
Sampling distributions of some statistics for normal populations.

17 Dezembro 2015, 15:30 Graça Leão Fernandes

Solve exercises of chapter 6 nºs: 22, 25, 27, 32, 33, 36


6th mini test

Review of the subjects taught along the semestre

16 Dezembro 2015, 15:30 Graça Leão Fernandes

Review of the subjects taught along the semestre.

Correction of mini tests 3 and 4.

6th Theoretical Question

Sampling theory: Sample distribution and sampling distribution of a statistic, assymptotic sampling distribution.

10 Dezembro 2015, 15:30 Graça Leão Fernandes

Exercises from Chapter 6 nºs 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 13, 14, 19


5th mini test

Means and variances of the sample mean and variance. Distribution of the sample and sampling distribution of a statistic. Results for Bernoulli populations.

9 Dezembro 2015, 15:30 Graça Leão Fernandes

 . Means and variances of the sample mean and variance:

 - mean and variance of the sample mean;

 -mean and variance of the sample variance. The corrected sample variance.

 . Distribution of the sample and sampling distribution of a statistic

 . Results for Bernoulli populations:

One population:

    - The sampling distribution of the sum of the sample elements:

     - small samples - Binomial;

     - large samples with theta<0.1(n*theta<5)  - Law of rare events - approximation through the Poisson;

     -  large samples - De Moivre-Laplace theorem;

   - The assymptotic sampling distribution of the sample proportion:

          - large samples - De Moivre-Laplace theorem;

Two populations

   - The sampling distribution of the difference between two sample proportions:

     -  large samples - De Moivre-Laplace theorem.



Normal distribution and Central Limit theorem

3 Dezembro 2015, 15:30 Graça Leão Fernandes

Exercises of:

Chapter5 - nºs 7, 8, 9, 26, 27