
Sampling distributions of statistics in Bernoulli and Normal populations

19 Dezembro 2014, 15:30 Graça Leão Fernandes

Resolution of the 6th theoretical question and mini test.


Resolution of exerceises from Exercises for chapter six- nºs: 1, 2, 6, 8, 13, 14, 19, 22, 31, 36

Sampling distributions of some statistics in Normal population (continued)

16 Dezembro 2014, 13:30 Graça Leão Fernandes

Normal population (continued):

-   Sampling distributiom of the diference of sample means from two normal populations when the population variances are unknown and the assumption of equality is dropped - Welsh  aproximation;

- Sampling distributiom of the ratio of corrected sample variances;

- The F - distribution - getting the probabilities using the calculator and the table.

Sampling distribution of some statistics in Bernoulli and Normal populations.

15 Dezembro 2014, 13:30 Graça Leão Fernandes

 Bernoulli populations:

 - Sampling distribution of the sample proportion;

 -  Sampling distribution of the difference between sample proportions in two independent Bernoulli Populations.

 Normal populations:

 - Sampling distribution of the sample meanwhen the population variance is known ;

 - Sampling distribution of the sample mean when the population variance is unknown- the racio of Student;

 - De t-Student distribution, mean, variance and tables;

 - Sampling distribution of the sample variance and the corrected sample variance;

-  Sampling distribution of the difference between sample means from two independent normal populations when the populations variance is known;

- Sampling distribution of the difference between sample means from two independent normal populations when the populations variance is unknown - rácio the Student;

Sample mean and variance. Sampling distribution in Bernoulli populations.

12 Dezembro 2014, 15:30 Graça Leão Fernandes

Sample mean and variance:

- Expected value and variance of the sample mean and sample variance;

- Assymptotic distribution of the sample mean.

Sampling distribution in Bernoulli populations:

 - Sampling distribution of the sample proportion;

- Sampling distribution of the difference between sample proportions.

Resolution of the 5th theoretical question and mini test.

Statistic Inference.

9 Dezembro 2014, 13:30 Graça Leão Fernandes

Statistic Inference:

  - Random sample, model specification;

  - Sample space and distribution of the sample space;

   - Statistics, sampling distribution of a statistic;

   - Order statistics: Distribution of the Maximum and the Minimum of a sample.

   - Mean and the variance of the sample mean;

   - Examples