
Two dimensional discrete and continuous random variables. Conditional probabilility and density probability functions.

24 Outubro 2014, 15:30 Graça Leão Fernandes

Pg. 90- nºs: 3.42, 3.43, 3.44, 3.45, 3.49, 3.50, 3.51


from exercises for Chapter 2: nºs 26, 30, 34, 36

Conditional probability functions. Two dimensional continuous random variables.

21 Outubro 2014, 13:30 Graça Leão Fernandes

Discrete two dimensional random variables:

       - Conditional probability functions of X given Y and Y given X and their properties.


Continuous two dimensional random variables:

      - Definition;

      - Joint probability density function and its properties;

      - Marginal probabilitydensity function of X and Y;

       - Joint cumulative distribution function;

       - Marginal cumulative distribution function of X and Y;

       - Independence of two dimensional continuous random variables;

       - Conditional probability density functions of X given Y and Y given X and their properties.

       - Examples.

Two dimensional random variables. Discrete two dimensional random variables..

20 Outubro 2014, 13:30 Graça Leão Fernandes

Two dimensional random variables:

     - Definition;

      - Joint cumulative distribution function and its properties;

      - Independence of two dimensional random variables.

      - Marginal cumulative distribution function of X and Y.

Discrete two dimensional random variables:

      - Definition;

      - Joint probability function and its properties;

      - Marginal probability function of X and Y;

       - Joint cumulative distribution function;

       - Marginal cumulative distribution function of X and Y;

       - Independence of two dimensional discrete random variables;

       - Examples.

Continuous random variables. Functions of random variables.

17 Outubro 2014, 15:30 Graça Leão Fernandes

Solving exercises

Book: pg. 80 nºs 3.17, 3.22, 3.28

          pg. 81 nºs 3.38, 3.41

From Exercises for Chapter 2 nºs: 7c), 12, 13a), 14, 22 c)

Functions of random variables.

14 Outubro 2014, 13:30 Graça Leão Fernandes

Functions of random variables - random variable Y is a function of random variable  X.

The distribution function technique: finding the cdf of random variable Y knowing the cdf of random variable X

  - case when random variable X is discrete;

  - case when random variable X is continuous and random variable Y are both continuous

        - Y is an increasing function of X

         - Y is an decreasing function of X;

   - case when random variable X is continuous and random variable Y is mixed;

   - case when random variable X is continuous and random variable Y is ciscrete;