
Multiple Linear Regression

30 Abril 2015, 15:30 NICOLETTA ROSATI

Properties of residuals. R² coefficient. Functional form: Log-linear and log-log models. Computation of semi-elasticities. Quadratic terms and interactions. Examples.

Multiple linear regression model

28 Abril 2015, 13:30 NICOLETTA ROSATI

Introduction to Multiple Linear Regression: motivation, model specification and matrix notation. Fitted values and residuals.

Solution of ICA1.

Simple linear regression model

24 Abril 2015, 13:30 NICOLETTA ROSATI

Non-linearities. Interpretation of coefficients and their estimates. Examples. Estimation of the error variance in the SLR model.
Discussion of exercises n. 2.3 and 2.11 from exercises sheet on SLR. Correction of ICA1.

Lecture cancelled

23 Abril 2015, 15:30 NICOLETTA ROSATI

Lecture cancelled due to participation in the workshop "Jornadas de MAEG"

In-course assessment

21 Abril 2015, 13:30 NICOLETTA ROSATI

In-course assessment 1: statistical inference.