
Financial Markets and Management

Mestrado Bolonha em Management


1. Financial Markets a. Money markets, stock markets, bond markets, currency markets, derivatives markets. b. Non-conventional markets: cryptocurrencies, fintechs and blockchain. 2. Financial Decision Making a. Fundamentals: time value of Money, financial options, game theory. b. The Investment Decison: from the time value of money to NPV. c. The Financing Decision: from Modigliani-Miller to the Trade-off and Pecking Order Theories. i. DCF Valuation Models: WACC, APV, FTE. ii. DDM Valuation Models. iii. Relative Valuation Models. iv. Debt valuation Models: from Merton to strategic behavior. d. The Payout Decision: Payout versus Retention, Dividends versus Repurchases. 3. Sustainable Finance and ESG Criteria: a. Ethics and Sustainable Finance in the 21C. b. Environmental Criteria. c. Social Criteria. d. Governance Criteria.