
Valuation (conclusion): FTE Method, Project-based valuation, Valuation with Pre-determined debt levels. More factors that Influence the Capital Structure : Trade-Off Theory and Pecking Order Theory

13 Dezembro 2021, 09:30 Clara Raposo

Valuation with corporate Taxes (conclusion): 

- FTE Method, 
- Project-based valuation, 
-Valuation with Pre-determined debt levels. 

More factors that Influence the Capital Structure: 
- Trade-Off Theory: Personal Taxes, Financial Distress Costs, Agency Costs and Benefits of Debt.
- Pecking Order Theory: asymmetric information in the form of adverse selection (the "lemons" problem),

The end

Financial Options (part 2). Capital Structure in Modigliani-Miller's perfect world and with corporate taxes. Valuation with Corporate Taxes: WACC and APV methods. Problem Set 3 (Questions 1-5).

6 Dezembro 2021, 09:30 Clara Raposo

Financial Options (part 2): "Tools and Tricks"; Problem Set 2.

Capital Structure in Modigliani-Miller's perfect world.
Capital Structure with corporate taxes. 
Valuation with Corporate Taxes: WACC and APV methods. 

Problem Set 3 (Questions 1-5).

Cost of Equity & Cost of Debt (conclusion). Problem Set 2 (Part 1). Financial Options (Part 1).

29 Novembro 2021, 09:30 Clara Raposo

Cost of Equity & Cost of Debt (conclusion): 

- CAPM & Adjusted Yield.

Problem Set 2 (Part 1). 

Financial Options (Part 1):
- Call and Put Options
- European and American Options
- Binomial Model with Replication
- Binomial Model and Risk Neutral Valuation.
- Black-Scholes Valuation

Note: This class took place on December 2nd, 09:30-12:30 (exchange with course unit World Business Environment).

Financial Investment Analysis (Conclusion). Problem Set 1. Cost of Capital (part 1).

22 Novembro 2021, 09:30 Clara Raposo

Financial Investment Analysis (Conclusion). 

Problem Set 1. 
Cost of Capital (part 1).

New Trends in Finance (conclusion). Investment Project Analysis.

15 Novembro 2021, 09:30 Clara Raposo

New Trends in Finance (conclusion): the "new capitalism" discussion and the role of corporate governance. 

Investment Project Analysis: from the balance sheet and the income statement to pro forma cash flows; accounting and financial criteria (ROC, ROE, FCFF, FCFE, PP, NPV) with examples.

Note: This class was taught on Friday Nov 19th, 09:30-12:30 (swapped with another course unit).