
Lecture on political conflict game

11 Março 2025, 18:30 Frieder Neunhoeffer

run experiment on dictator, ultimatum and political conflict game with analysis afterwards

Experimental lecture

25 Fevereiro 2025, 18:30 Frieder Neunhoeffer

experiment on cournot market with game-theoretical analysis afterwards

Lecture 4

18 Fevereiro 2025, 18:30 Frieder Neunhoeffer

Introduction to Nash equilibrium

Lecture 3

11 Fevereiro 2025, 18:30 Frieder Neunhoeffer

Dominance relation among strategies

Lecture 1 + 2

4 Fevereiro 2025, 18:30 Frieder Neunhoeffer

Probabilities and Expected utility

Static games