
Lecture 17

19 Abril 2021, 12:30 Leonor Freire Costa

The organizations in the 20th and early 21st centuries

Tutorial 8

16 Abril 2021, 12:00 Leonor Freire Costa

Text 5

Charles Feinstein – Peter Temin – Gianni Toniolo EPILOGUE: THE PAST AND THE PRESENT
The argument, the main questions.

Tutorial 8

16 Abril 2021, 10:00 Leonor Freire Costa

Text 5

Charles Feinstein – Peter Temin – Gianni Toniolo EPILOGUE: THE PAST AND THE PRESENT
The argument, the main questions.

Tutorial 16

13 Abril 2021, 11:30 Leonor Freire Costa

The transformations of the last quarter of the 20th century and beyond …

Tutorial 15

12 Abril 2021, 12:30 Leonor Freire Costa

The contemporary world economy during the third quarter of the 20th century