
HBR case study

18 Abril 2017, 17:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: reading & speaking

Went over mid-term test.

Read & discussed commentary by experts on the case of recruiting Mimi Brewster. (H. ex 5, pp 15-18; I p 22). Assigned writing. (p 22 ex J) Due next week.

Students are reminded to complete the technical vocabulary ex 12.1 and 10.5 for Thursday.

HBR case study

18 Abril 2017, 15:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: reading & speaking

Went over mid-term test.

Read & discussed commentary by experts on the case of recruiting Mimi Brewster. (H. ex 5, pp 15-18; I p 22). Assigned writing. (p 22 ex J) Due next week.

Students are reminded to complete the technical vocabulary ex 12.1 and 10.5 for Thursday.

Technical vocab & case study

30 Março 2017, 17:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: speaking

Student-led correction of topics 13.5 and 14.6. Assigned 12.1 and 10.5 for next week.

HBR case study. (p 14 ex H)

Technical vocab & case study

30 Março 2017, 15:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: speaking

Student-led correction of topics 13.5 and 14.6. Assigned 12.1 and 10.5 for next week.

HBR case study. (p 14 ex H)


28 Março 2017, 17:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: speaking & listening

Interview simulation and discussion (p 13, ex F. 1-5) Assigned written assignment 2 (p 13, ex G). Due next Thursday at test.