
Job application

23 Fevereiro 2017, 17:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: writing & reading & speaking

Pair analysis of job ads. Assigned written assignment 1. Due Thursday, 2 March. (Getting a job, ex A 4. B 1.2.3.)


Job application

23 Fevereiro 2017, 15:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: writing & reading & speaking

Pair analysis of job ads. Assigned written assignment 1. Due Thursday, 2 March. (Getting a job, ex A 4. B 1.2.3.)


Getting a job

21 Fevereiro 2017, 17:00 Ann Henshall

No students attended, probably because of the career forum.

ISEG career forum

21 Fevereiro 2017, 15:00 Ann Henshall

ISEG career forum

Job ads

16 Fevereiro 2017, 17:00 Ann Henshall

Skills focus: technical vocabulary, prepositions & nominal group structure

Completed exercises A. 2, 3.

Assigned week 2 technical vocabulary.