
Intimidation and stress and technical vocabulary

22 Março 2010, 16:30 Ann Henshall

Student-led correction of topics 13.5 and 14.5. Assigned 11.3 and 13.3 for next Moday.

Handed back cvs and letters with individual feedback for re-writing.

Analysed reference chains in "Intimidation and stress: all in a day's interview". Assigned comprehension questions (p 6, ex. 5 a-e) for homework.

All in a day's interview

17 Março 2010, 18:00 Ann Henshall

Main skills: listening, reading, speaking + language focus on questions

Pairwork text completion exercise. Pp 7 & 8. Instructions p 6 E 3.

All in a day's interview

17 Março 2010, 16:30 Ann Henshall

Main skills: listening, reading, speaking + language focus on questions

Pairwork text completion exercise. Pp 7 & 8. Instructions p 6 E 3. Assigned E 4 for homework.

Career management networking (3)

16 Março 2010, 18:00 Ann Henshall

Main skill: reading

Corrected comprehension questions for the article "It's always time to network". Discussed how relevant this strategy is to a recent graduate. (p4: 5)

Pre-reading vocabulary exercise. (p 5: 1,2)

Career management networking (3)

16 Março 2010, 16:30 Ann Henshall

Main skill: reading

Corrected comprehension questions for the article "It's always time to network". Discussed how relevant this strategy is to a recent graduate. (p4: 5)

Pre-reading vocabulary exercise. (p 5: 1,2)