
Oral presentation + multicultural team strategies

17 Maio 2010, 16:30 Ann Henshall

Oral presentation and question-answer session on the international strategies adopted by Macdonald's to adapt to local cultures.

Continued groupwork on synthesising strategies for solving or preventing intercultural problems that may arise in multicultural teams.

Solutions to multicultural team problems

12 Maio 2010, 18:00 Ann Henshall

Reading, speaking, listening.

Jigsaw reading of the successful strategies managers used to overcome problems in multicultural team. (p 9, ex 3; texts on p 10,11)

Oral presentation

12 Maio 2010, 16:30 Ann Henshall

Oral presentation on Erasmus by students, followed by question and answer session.

Students filled in questionnaire.

Multicultural teams

11 Maio 2010, 18:00 Ann Henshall

Few students, presumably due to the Pope's visit. Discussed in more detail the multicultural team situations from previous lessons.

Feedback on writing

11 Maio 2010, 16:30 Ann Henshall

Feedback and grammar revision on weaknesses found in student written assignments.