
Why is Harvard teaching future leaders to honk like geese?

23 Abril 2009, 15:00 Ann Henshall

Language focus: review of verb tenses

M&T p2 B. Students should finish the exercise for homework (from 32 onwards).

Introduction Motivation and Teamwork theme

22 Abril 2009, 18:00 Ann Henshall

Main skills practised: speaking and listening

Pairwork task: to design an activity to promote team spirit. Pairs had slightly different conditions for the task. The results were then presented by pairs and discussed as a class. (M& T p 10)

Pre-reading vocabulary: Motivation and Teamwork p 1.

HBR case (2)

21 Abril 2009, 16:30 Ann Henshall

Main skills practised: speaking, listening, reading

Groups read different experts' responses to the Fred/Mimi recruitment case. They then synthesised the views to the class, leading to discussion.

Assigned written assignment. Due next week.

Write a report synthesising the different expert opinions on the Mimi Brewster recruitment case (p10). (The expert opinions can be found on pp 11-18)

or the interview simulation report given out on Monday.

HBR case study (2)

21 Abril 2009, 15:00 Ann Henshall

Main skills practised: speaking, listening, reading

Groups read different experts' responses to the Fred/Mimi recruitment case. They then synthesised the views to the class, leading to discussion.

Assigned written assignment. Due next week.

Write a report synthesising the different expert opinions on the Mimi Brewster recruitment case (p10). (The expert opinions can be found on pp 11-18)


Written assignment II: p 9 G. Due next week.

HBR case study

20 Abril 2009, 18:00 Ann Henshall

Main skills practised: speaking and listening

Discussed the recruitment case study from HBR (June 2007), reworked as a series of scenes with decision making opportunities.

Assigned written assignment, p 9 G. Due next week. OR

Write a report synthesising the different expert opinions on the Mimi Brewster recruitment case. Due next week.