
Interview simulation

16 Abril 2009, 16:30 Ann Henshall

Main skills practised: speaking and listening

Students simulated interviews for L'Oreal position, taking on the roles of interviewer and applicant.

Interview simulation

16 Abril 2009, 15:00 Ann Henshall

Main skills practised: speaking and listening

Students simulated interviews for L'Oreal position, taking on the roles of interviewer and applicant.

HBR case study

15 Abril 2009, 18:00 Ann Henshall

Main skills practised: speaking, listening, reading.

Staged role play and discussion of a recruitment case study from the Harvard Business Review.

Mini test correction

14 Abril 2009, 16:30 Ann Henshall

Went over mini test followed by general discussion.

Minitest correction

14 Abril 2009, 15:00 Ann Henshall

Went over answers to mini test.