
Relative Valuation


What Relative Valuation is

Sources of comparable data

Characteristics of comparable firms

Equity approach and Entity approach

Ratios of equity and entity approaches

Advantages and disadvantages of relative valuation

Advantages and disavantages between equity and entity approaches

Asignment for next session

Introduction to valuation

22 Fevereiro 2017, 12:30 JOÃO CARLOS CARVALHO DAS NEVES

Why value creation strategies are essential

Why is value so volatile

Different perceptions of value and various definitions

Misconceptions on valuation

The role of valuator

Understanding the context of valuation

Purposes of valuation

What is a due dilligence

Valuation methods

The use of accounting in valuation

Introduction to valuation

22 Fevereiro 2017, 11:00 JOÃO CARLOS CARVALHO DAS NEVES

Why value creation strategies are essential

Why is value so volatile

Different perceptions of value and various definitions

Misconceptions on valuation

The role of valuator

Understanding the context of valuation

Purposes of valuation

What is a due dilligence

Valuation methods

The use of accounting in valuation




Introduction to the course

20 Fevereiro 2017, 11:00 JOÃO CARLOS CARVALHO DAS NEVES

1.        Overview of mergers, acquisitions and corporate restructurings

The importance of mergers, acquisitions and corporate restructuring

Types of mergers and acquisitions

Other forms of restructuring

Assignment: Why do mergers fail?


Introduction to the course

20 Fevereiro 2017, 09:30 JOÃO CARLOS CARVALHO DAS NEVES


1.        Overview of mergers, acquisitions and corporate restructurings


The importance of mergers, acquisitions and corporate restructuring


Types of mergers and acquisitions


Other forms of restructuring


History of mergers and acquisitions


Legal framework


M&A process and critical issues for success


The financial theory and value creation for shareholders


Assignment: Why do mergers fail?