
Last lesson

17 Dezembro 2010, 10:00 JORGE MANUEL AFONSO GARCIA

Revisions. Exercises and notes.

Multidecrement models

15 Dezembro 2010, 11:00 JORGE MANUEL AFONSO GARCIA

Multidecrement and single decrement models. Probabilities of decrement. Calculation of decrements.

Examples and exercises.


Markov Model

10 Dezembro 2010, 10:00 JORGE MANUEL AFONSO GARCIA

Actuarial functions in Markov models.




Markov model

3 Dezembro 2010, 10:00 JORGE MANUEL AFONSO GARCIA

Life contingencies and the Markov process.

Transition probabilities and rates of transition.

Chapman-Kolmogorof equation. Progressive and regressive equations. States classification.


Multi status

26 Novembro 2010, 10:00 JORGE MANUEL AFONSO GARCIA

Survival annuities.

Reversionary annuities.

Examples and exercises.

Introduction to Universal Life and Unit Linked products.