
Mercados Financeiros Internacionais

Mestrado Bolonha em Matemática Financeira

Mestrado Bolonha em Economia

Mestrado Bolonha em Economia Monetária e Financeira


- External Accounts - The Macroeconomic Meaning of the Current Account Balance - International financial markets - What Determines Exchange Rates? - Forward Exchange and International Financial Investment - Government Policies toward the Foreign Exchange Market - Internal and External Balance with Fixed Exchange Rates - Floating Exchange Rates and Internal Balance - National and Global Choices: Floating Rates and the Alternatives - The Structure of Trading: Market Structures - Liquidity Suppliers: Dealers - Liquidity Suppliers: Bid/Ask Spreads - The Microstructure of the Foreign Exchange Market - Exchange Rate Models: Macro to Microfoundations - Macro Puzzles: The Challenge for Microstructure - Microstructure and Central Bank Intervention - International Lending and Financial Crises