Chapter 14 + Practice exam
6 Dezembro 2022, 18:00 • Matthijs Oosterveen
We finished the final exercise of Perfect competition (Chapter 14). Next we discussed the practice exam.
Chapter 13 (Competitive markets) and Chapter 14 (Monopoly)
29 Novembro 2022, 18:00 • Matthijs Oosterveen
Today we discussed two markets: Perfect competition (Ch 13) and Monopoly (Ch 14). This concludes the theory part of this course. Next week -- the last class -- we will discuss the final exercise and a practice exam.
Chapter 10 (Consumer's surplus)
24 Novembro 2022, 21:30 • Matthijs Oosterveen
We finished the final exercises of Chapter 10 (Consumer's Surplus). The final part of the course we will discuss three markets: perfect competition, monopoly, and oligoly.
Chapter 10 (Consumers' surplus)
22 Novembro 2022, 18:00 • Matthijs Oosterveen
We finished the theory part on consumers' surplus (Chapter 10): Compensating Variation, Equivalent variation, Consumer Surplus, and how CS is a special case of EV and CV when income effect is zero.
Chapter 8 (Choice)
17 Novembro 2022, 21:30 • Matthijs Oosterveen
We finished the exercises of Chapter 8 (Choice) and started with Consumer's surplus (Chapter 10). I introduced a standard binary utility measure of welfare, and subsequently we will discuss EV, CV and CS next week.