Recombining Binomial model
7 Novembro 2019, 11:30 • João Guerra
Recombining Binomial model: examples.
The deflator approach to Binomial model.
R code for Binomial model option pricing.
The Binomial model
5 Novembro 2019, 11:00 • João Guerra
The two-period binomial model.
How to price an American option using the Binomial model.
Introduction to the Binomial model
31 Outubro 2019, 11:30 • João Guerra
Exercise on the put-call parity relationship with dividends.
The binomial model with one period (one time step).
The no-arbitrage condition.
The risk-neutral probability measure.
The replicating portfolio and hedging.
One example.
Bounds on option prices. Put-call parity
29 Outubro 2019, 11:00 • João Guerra
The effect of dividends on option prices.
Lower and upper bounds for optios prices: European and American call options and put options.
The put call parity relationship without dividends and with dividends.
Introduction to the valuation of derivative securities
24 Outubro 2019, 11:30 • João Guerra
Introduction to the valuation of derivative securities
Financial Derivatives: examples.
Call and put options: definitions and examples.
Speculation and Hedging with call and put options: examples
Arbitrage. The no-arbitrage and law of one price.
Factors that affect option prices.