Students may choose between a continuous evaluation assessment regime or a simple regime.
- In the continuous evaluation regime students grade will be based upon
Three multiple-choice/closed form mini-tests (T) - 15%
Empirical Assignment (EA) - 30%
Final Exam (FE) - 55%
and computed as Max( 0.15*T+0.3EA+0.55FE ; FE)
To pass each student must have a minimum of 8 points (out of 20) in the Final Exam.
The three mini-tests will take place during 3 classes (in the first 45min) and the dates will be set by the end of October.
The empirical assignment must be delivered, at the very latest, until the first exam date.
The continuous evaluation grades may only be used during the 2012-2013 exam periods, and only once.
- In the simple regime only the grade at the final exam will count (100% Final Exam).