
Esscher transform, mean correcting martingale measure and Arbitrage free Lévy models

23 Novembro 2020, 10:00 João Guerra

The equivalent martingale measures in n incomplete Lévy market model: the Esscher transform martingale measure and the mean-correcting martingale measure. 

Arbitrage free exponential Lévy models. Theorem. Examples. 

Lévy market models and complete/incomplete markets

18 Novembro 2020, 11:30 João Guerra

Existence and uniqueness of equivalent martingale measures in Lévy market models. 

The Girsanov theorem - brief review. 

The equivalent martingale measure existence and uniqueness general conditon. Examples: Brownian motion, Poisson process, sums of Poisson processes and of Brownian motion with Poisson processes. 

Exponential martingales. Complete and incomplete markets

16 Novembro 2020, 10:00 João Guerra

Exponential martingales of Lévy-type stochastic integrals. Example: exponential martingale of an Itô process. 

Basic terminology pf option pricing. Replicating portfolios and self-financing portfolios. Arbotrage opportunity. Complete market.

The two fundamental theorems of asset pricing. The concept of equivalent martingale measure or risk neutral measure. The risk-neutral valuation formula. 

The meta-theorem for complete/incomplete markets and arbitrage free markets. Examples of application. 

Lévy processes simulation and option pricing

11 Novembro 2020, 11:30 João Guerra

Simulation of a Gamma process and of the variance Gamma process. 

The equivalent martingale measure or the risk neutral measure Q. Option pricing under the equivalent martingale measure and risk-neutral valuation formula. The mean-correcting martingale measure and the change of drift in a Lévy model for option pricing. The m_{new} parameter. How to price an option using an exponential Lévy model and the Monte-Carlo method. 

Lévy processes simulation

9 Novembro 2020, 10:00 João Guerra

Lévy processes simulation. 

Simulation of standard Brownian motion.

Simulation of standard Poisson processes: two different methods. 

General simulation of Lévy processes by approximating the very small jumps by a Brownian motion and the other jumps by a sum of d independent Poisson processes (compound Poisson process). 

General method can be applied to CGMY, Meixner and NIG models. 

Example with epsilon=0.001 and with 14 Poisson processes.