
Infinitely divisible distributions - Examples

23 Setembro 2020, 11:30 João Guerra

Basic examples of Lévy processes used in financial applications. 

Subordinators. Basic definition and example. 

Characteristic function. Definition. Exercise. 

Infinitely divisible distributions and random variables. Examples. 

Introduction to infinitely divisible distributions, Lévy-Khintchine formula and Lévy measures

21 Setembro 2020, 10:00 João Guerra

Characteristic function. Definition and example for the jump-diffusion process. 

Lévy-Khintchine formula and Lévy-Itô decomposition of a Lévy process. 

Lévy measure. Example. 

Introduction to Lévy processes

16 Setembro 2020, 11:30 João Guerra

The imperfections of the Black-Scholes model: the implied volatility smile. 

Implied volatility: definition and how to calculate it. Example. 

Definition of Lévy process. Examples. 

The compound Poisson process and the jump-diffusion process. 

Presentation and general introduction

14 Setembro 2020, 10:00 João Guerra

Presentation: Programme, Bibliography and Assessment. 

General introduction to Lévy processes:  Importance of Lévy processes and main areas of application. 

The imperfections of the Black-Scholes model: presence of jumps in asset price data and the empirical distribution of log-returns (fat-tails and skewness) versus the normal distribution associated to Black-Scholes model.