
Levy processes simulation

28 Novembro 2017, 10:00 João Guerra

Simulation of the variance-gamma process. 

Discussion of some simulation problems in the group assignments.

Lévy processes simulation

23 Novembro 2017, 10:00 João Guerra

How to simulate a Lévy process? 

1) Numerical Simulation of a Brownian motion

2) Numerical Simulation of  a Standard Poisson Process

3) Approximate the big jumps by a sum of independent Poisson processes (Commpound Poisson process)

4) Approximate the small jumps by a Brownian jump, under a technical assumption

5) Simulation of a Gamma process

Application of the AACSB AOL Learning Goal Technical Skills survey. 

Parameter Estimation in Levy models and exotic option pricing

21 Novembro 2017, 10:00 João Guerra

The Problem of parameter estimation in Lévy market models. 

The parameters in the risk neutral measure (using the mean correcting term martingale measure) and how to estimate them from option data. The root mean square error measure for the quality of the fit of the model to data. 

An example of parameter estimation using the Variance Gamma process. 

The Black-Scholes model as a Benchmark. 

An example of pricing an exotic option - the up and in Barrier call option.  Pricing this option using the Monte Carlo method. 


The Fourier transform method for option pricing and the problem of parameter estimation from data

16 Novembro 2017, 10:00 João Guerra

The Fourier transform method for pricing options in Lévy Market models. The Fast Fourier Transform algorithm for calculating call option prices in a computational fast way. 

Application of these methods to the Variance-Gamma and other models in order to estimate the parameter from real market data. 

Equivalent martingale measures and incomplete markets

14 Novembro 2017, 10:00 João Guerra

Equivalent martingale measures: complete versus incomplete markets. 

Examples and exercises. 

The mean-correcting method for choosing an equivalent martingale measure.