

24 Outubro 2017, 10:00 João Guerra

Exercise: the Cauchy distribution as the ratio of normals 

Subordinators and time changes. Examples: 2-alpha process, Varianve-Gamma, CGMY, Inverse normal Gaussian process. 

Lévy processes and martingales. 

Exercises and problems, Subordinators

19 Outubro 2017, 10:00 João Guerra

Exercises and problems. 


Stable distributions and stable processes

17 Outubro 2017, 10:00 João Guerra

The general central limit theorem.  

Stable distributions. 

The heavy tails for stable distributions with alpha<2. 

Stable processes. 

Examples of Lévy processes. 

Lévy measures

12 Outubro 2017, 10:00 João Guerra

Lévy measures: definition and basic properties. 

Examples and exercises. 

Poisson random measure associated to a Lévy process and the Lévy measure defined as the expected value of the Poisson random measure for a time unit.

The Lévy-Khintchine formula: proof. 

Lévy processes and infinitely divisible distributions.

10 Outubro 2017, 10:00 João Guerra

The jump-diffusion process. Basic properties. 

The characteristic function of a random variable. Definition and basic properties. 

Infinitely divisible distributions: definition, examples and exercises.

The Lévy processes are associated to infinitely divisible distributions: proof.