Métodos de Ensino e Avaliações

Lectures combined with semi-structured debates. Each lecture is 2h long and revolves around a well-defined theme, previously known by students, to whom preparation materials are made available to online. The students are pushed to debate the scheduled thematic areas, considering the historical and contextual perspective, international benchmarking and putative application to Portugal. Every week, after class, students receive a digital study pack including the materials which have been presented as well as any additional resources that arose in the group discussion, and that might prove relevant for further exploration or practical use. The evaluation has three components (in the full version, or only the exam if chosen): Continuous evaluation in class and participation in the final debate = 20% of final grade Individual written assignment, according to a structured script in a previously negotiated theme = 40% Written exam, 2 hours long, which consists of four main questions = 40%