
Feynman-Kac formulas and exercises

30 Abril 2024, 11:30 João Guerra

PDE's and SDE's. 

Different versions of Feynman-Kac formulas for solving PDE's.
Discussion of exercises on Feynman-Kac formulas. 
Introduction to Girsanov Theorem. 


29 Abril 2024, 14:30 João Guerra

Disucssion of exercises on Stochastic Differential Equations.

Systems of linear SDE's, infinitesimal generators of diffusions and the Feynman-Kac Formula

23 Abril 2024, 11:30 João Guerra

Exponential of a matrix when the matrix is diagonalizable by using eigenvalues and eigenvectors and application to the solution of systems of linear SDE's.

Infinitesimal generators of Diffusion processes. Examples. 
The Feynman-Kac formula. Example. 

Stochastic Differential Equations (Cont.)

18 Abril 2024, 11:00 João Guerra

Numerical methods for stochastic differential equations: the Euler Scheme and the Millstein scheme. 

The notion of weak solution: brief desciption. 
Discussion of exercises on Stochastic Differential Equations. 

Stochastic Differential Equations (Cont.)

16 Abril 2024, 11:30 João Guerra

The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with mean reversion SDE - Solution and properties of solution. Applications: Vasicek model and Stochastic volatility model. 

Non-linear SDE's solvable by using an integration factor. Example. 
General linear one-dimensional SDE's: method of solution. Example. 
Existence and uniqueness of solutions theorem for one-dimensional SDE's with non-Lipschitz diffusion coefficient. Application to the CIR model of interest rates.