
Brownian motion

27 Fevereiro 2024, 11:30 João Guerra

Brownian motion. Definition and main properties. 

Processes realted to Brownian motion. Examples. 
Martingales and Brownian motion. Examples. 


22 Fevereiro 2024, 11:00 João Guerra

Martingales in Discrete time and in continuous time. Examples.

The martingale transform or discrete stochastic integral. Examples. 
Discussion of some exercises. 

Review of some basic concepts of stochastic processes and conditional expectation. Exercises.

20 Fevereiro 2024, 11:30 João Guerra

Review of some basic concepts of stochastic processes and conditional expectation. 

Discussion of some exercises. 

Presentation of the course - Introduction and review of some stochastic processes concepts

15 Fevereiro 2024, 11:00 João Guerra

Presentation of the course: syllabus, bibliography and assessment. 

A very brief introduction to stochastic calculus and its history. 
Review of some basic concepts concepts of stochastic processes.