
12. Student Presentations

26 Novembro 2024, 20:30 Adam John Standring

Second round of group presentations - discussion and questions.

Student Presentations

19 Novembro 2024, 20:30 Adam John Standring

First set of groups present the draft reports - discussion and comments.

A critical play of the board game Daybreak

12 Novembro 2024, 20:30 Adam John Standring

30 minutes rule teach, 60 minutes play, 30 minutes discussion – focused on previously distributed sets of questions.

Rules video (to view before the seminar:

Organizations: Problems, Solutions & Uncertainty

5 Novembro 2024, 20:30 Adam John Standring

Monitoring and Reporting 2

29 Outubro 2024, 20:30 Adam John Standring

Undertake an analysis of a non-financial report.