Social, Governance & Economic Challenges
17 Setembro 2024, 20:30 • Adam John Standring
What are the main social, economic and environmental challenges facing
the globe? How are these linked – introduce the concept of polycrisis.
What does polycrisis mean for attempts to anticipate, control and govern
in such circumstances?
Implies systems thinking – treating causes rather than symptoms –
mobilizing multiple knowledge(s) – multiple actor (e.g. state & private)
Planetary Environmental and Social Challenges and Sustainable Development
10 Setembro 2024, 20:30 • Adam John Standring
Introduce instructors (AS & IDS) – experience, current and past research and main
research interests. (15 mins)
Introduce the learning objectives and goals of the module as well as the
structure of the course. (10 mins)
Explain the format of the course and the course assessment. (10 mins)
Introduce the main (planetary, regional, national and local) challenges related to sustainability and give some foundational definitions of the key concepts that will be explored and developed over the course. (20 mins)