

25 Novembro 2024, 09:30 Adriana Cornea-madeira

We solved a mock exam.


18 Novembro 2024, 09:30 Adriana Cornea-madeira

We discussed about the MLE estimation of state space models, about discrete-state variables and wrote the Markov switching model in state-space representation.

We then moved onto discussing about the PCA, and gave an example of the current application of the PCA in macroeconomics to identify monetary policy shocks.


11 Novembro 2024, 09:30 Adriana Cornea-madeira

We continued to discuss about the Kalman filter (how to obtain the smoothed series, forecasts, how to deal with missing observations, what are the implications of non-normality assumptions for the errors). We also discussed about the time varying coefficient model, and looked at an example of the UC-SV model to forecast US inflation. We illustrated the Kalman filter in R, estimating and forecasting an AR model. We solved some old homework.


4 Novembro 2024, 09:30 Adriana Cornea-madeira

We estimated a Markov Switching model with 2 regimes in R on the returns of monthly house prices in UK. We discussed about the state-space representation of dynamic linear models, and started to illustrate the idea of the Kalman filter.


28 Outubro 2024, 09:30 Adriana Cornea-madeira

We discussed the Markov Switching Model and the TAR/SETAR model. We also solved some exercises of homework 2.