18 Novembro 2024, 09:30 • Adriana Cornea-madeira
We discussed about the MLE estimation of state space models, about discrete-state variables and wrote the Markov switching model in state-space representation.
11 Novembro 2024, 09:30 • Adriana Cornea-madeira
We continued to discuss about the Kalman filter (how to obtain the smoothed series, forecasts, how to deal with missing observations, what are the implications of non-normality assumptions for the errors). We also discussed about the time varying coefficient model, and looked at an example of the UC-SV model to forecast US inflation. We illustrated the Kalman filter in R, estimating and forecasting an AR model. We solved some old homework.
4 Novembro 2024, 09:30 • Adriana Cornea-madeira
We estimated a Markov Switching model with 2 regimes in R on the returns of monthly house prices in UK. We discussed about the state-space representation of dynamic linear models, and started to illustrate the idea of the Kalman filter.
28 Outubro 2024, 09:30 • Adriana Cornea-madeira
We discussed the Markov Switching Model and the TAR/SETAR model. We also solved some exercises of homework 2.