Lesson 14
24 Outubro 2024, 09:00 • Cristina Requejo
The Binary Knapsack problem: variants; obtaining the Critical Index, the linear relaxation bound, and constructive greedy heuristics. The set covering problem: variants, pre-processing (reducing the number of columns and number of lines).
Lesson 13
21 Outubro 2024, 09:00 • Cristina Requejo
The traveling salesperson problem: models, relaxations, constructive heuristic (the nearest neighbor) and improvement heuristics (the 2-opt heuristic and the 2-opt neighborhood).
Lesson 12
17 Outubro 2024, 09:00 • Cristina Requejo
Integer Linear Programming modeling examples of applications: Knapsack Problem, Covering Problem, Sequencing Problem, Facility Location Problem.
Lesson 11
14 Outubro 2024, 09:00 • Cristina Requejo
Lesson 10
10 Outubro 2024, 09:00 • Cristina Requejo
4. Integer Linear Programming: definition, properties, example, lower and upper bounds, branch & bound method.