
Lesson 4

19 Setembro 2024, 09:00 Cristina Requejo

Modeling problems, the standard forms of an LP, reformulation operations.

Lesson 3

16 Setembro 2024, 09:00 Cristina Requejo

Description of optimal solutions: unique optimal solution and alternative optimal solutions; how to solve LP programs. Using the Solver from Excel. Other alternative solvers were presented and illustrated: XPRESS-FICO's specialised software and the PuLP with Python.

Lesson 2

12 Setembro 2024, 09:00 Cristina Requejo

1. Modeling and Solving with Linear Programming (LP)

How to build a model, build a two variables model, assumptions of LP, the graphical method to solve an LP, obtaining a graphical optimal solution; feasible region, solutions and feasible solutions, feasible region, optimal solutions.

Lesson 1

9 Setembro 2024, 09:00 Cristina Requejo

Presentation: Syllabus, Bibliography, Assessement.

General methodology and different types of models.