
Lecture 6

27 Outubro 2023, 10:00 Nuno Sobreira

Exs, 10, C3, C6 (Ch.4), 3 (Ch. 6)

Lecture 6

25 Outubro 2023, 08:00 Nuno Sobreira

Exs, 10, C3, C6 (Ch.4), 3 (Ch. 6)


24 Outubro 2023, 10:30 Adriana Cornea-madeira

We discussed about as regressors quadratic terms and interaction terms, as well as the use of the RESET test. Different examples were given.


23 Outubro 2023, 10:30 Adriana Cornea-madeira

We showed how to build confidence intervals for the conditional mean of a variable of interest as well as for the variable of interest given particular values of the independent variables, including the case when the dependent variable is in logs.

Lecture 5

20 Outubro 2023, 10:00 Nuno Sobreira

Exs. 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 Ch.4