
practical lecture 8

20 Abril 2023, 14:30 Alexandra Symeonides

Application to the classification of critical points (local extrema and saddle points). Convexity. Application of Taylor formula to the identification of saddle points.
Ex. Taylor Polynomials and Applications 11 a)c), 13 f) k)

lecture 17

19 Abril 2023, 14:00 Alexandra Symeonides

Detailed review of derivation rules, exhaustive examples and exercises. Application to limits resolution and to Taylor polynomial approximations.

lecture 16

18 Abril 2023, 10:30 Alexandra Symeonides

Taylor formula with Peano and Lagrange form of the remainder. 

lecture 15

17 Abril 2023, 12:00 Alexandra Symeonides

Hôpital and Cauchy rule. Application to limit calculus. Exercise 8. b)c)d)o)  Higher order derivatives. Taylor polynomial: definition and explicit form.

practical lecture 7

13 Abril 2023, 14:30 Alexandra Symeonides

Exercises of Differential Calculus: 1, 2.a)c), 4, 5, 6 a)