
practical lecture 5

23 Março 2023, 14:30 Alexandra Symeonides

The real line ex. 2 b)c)
Geometric progressions: common ratio and general term; monotony and limit. Sum of consecutive terms of a geometric progression. Geometric series. 
Geometric series ex. 12 a)c) 13 c)d)

lecture 10

21 Março 2023, 10:30 Alexandra Symeonides

 Adherence of a set. Open and closed sets. Limit points and derived set. Compact sets.

lecture 9

20 Março 2023, 12:00 Alexandra Symeonides

Relation of order over R, supremum and infimum. Axiom of the supremum. Elementary
topology over the real line: neighborhoods, interior and boundary of a set.

practical lecture 4

16 Março 2023, 14:30 Alexandra Symeonides

Exercise 31 b)c)d). Ex. 33. a)d). Ex. 34 a). Ex 36.

lecture 8

14 Março 2023, 10:30 Alexandra Symeonides

Resolution by Gauss elimination method. Cramer rule for square Cramer SLEs. Exercises 32 b)c)f)