
lecture 4

28 Fevereiro 2023, 10:30 Alexandra Symeonides

Rank of matrix: definition; invariance under transposition; invariance under elementary

row operations. Gaussian elimination method for the calculus of the rank. Square matrices:

identity matrix and inverse matrix. Uniqueness of the inverse matrix.

lecture 3

27 Fevereiro 2023, 12:00 Alexandra Symeonides

The vector space of matrices: sum between matrices and product by a scalar

number. Null matrix; line and column matrices; (upper and lower) triangular and diagonal

matrices. Transposition and symmetric matrices. Product of matrices, powers of matrices.
Exercise 10 a)b)c)e)g)i)k)

practical lecture 2

23 Fevereiro 2023, 14:30 Alexandra Symeonides

Notion of basis and dimension of a linear span. Every basis contains the same number of elements.
Exercises 6. f), 7 and 8. from a) to f)

practical lecture 1

16 Fevereiro 2023, 14:30 Alexandra Symeonides

Linear Algebra: ex. 1 a)b), ex. 2 a) to d), ex. 4 a), ex. 5, ex. 6a) and d), ex. 8. all.

lecture 2

14 Fevereiro 2023, 10:30 Alexandra Symeonides

Linear combinations and linear independence. Linear span of a set of vectors, vector subspace, notion of basis and dimension.