
Identification of market segments and targets selection (1/3)    

23 Março 2017, 17:00 Bernardo Chagas

  • Identification of market segments

Identification of market segments and targets selection (1/3)

22 Março 2017, 16:30 Bernardo Chagas

  • Identification of market segments

Analysis of competition and competitive strategies (2/2)  

21 Março 2017, 16:30 Bernardo Chagas

  • Competitive strategies

Analysis of competition and competitive strategies (2/2)

20 Março 2017, 16:30 Bernardo Chagas

  • Competitive strategies

Analysis of competition and competitive strategies (1/2)    

16 Março 2017, 17:00 Bernardo Chagas

  • Analysis of competition