
Part 2: Science, globalization, social and environmental change

31 Outubro 2023, 18:00 Sofia Bento

Concepts and authors for approching change in societies:post industrial society, programmed society, network society, risk society.

Researching in STS

24 Outubro 2023, 18:00 Sofia Bento

Aim of the session:  
How can we research about science and technology and its relation with communitesgroupspersonssocieties
Main content: controversis analysis in STS

Researching in STS

17 Outubro 2023, 18:00 Sofia Bento

Aim of the session: 

How can we research about science and technology and its relation with communitesgroupspersonssocieties? Does a unique method exist?What kind of approach can we use? What type of data can we use?Which tools can we use?
Main content: interviews and ethnography for researching STS

Part 1:Understanding science, technology,society

10 Outubro 2023, 18:00 Sofia Bento

Presentation of reading 5a and 5b:

RAVETZ, Jerome, (2006) Post-normal science and the complexity of transitions towards sustainability, Ecological Complexity, 3, 275-284DE SCHUTTER, O. & DEDEURWAERDERE, T.  Social innovation in the service of social and ecological transformation. New York, Routledge, 2022, pp.69-114.

Part1: Understanding science, technology and society

3 Outubro 2023, 18:00 Sofia Bento
