
Part1: Understanding science, technology and society

26 Setembro 2023, 18:00 Sofia Bento

Aim of the session: To approach  fundamental questions in science (in general) and discuss limits of science :how is science produced? what is the purpose of science? what is expected of science?To learn different paradigms of science and understand how these paradigms design the relation between science and society.

Discussion in groups of 4 readings:
no. 1: MORIN, Edgar (1990) Science avec conscience, Editions Fayard, pp. 25-37 and 237-255. [1st edition, 1982]
no. 2: GIBBONS, Michael et al(Camille Limoges, Helga Nowotny, Simon Schwartzman, Peter Scott), (1994) The new production of knowledge, Sage, pp. 27-47.
nº 3: FUGLSANG, Lars, (2001) Tree Perspectives in STS in the Policy Context, in:Stephen H., Cutcliffe and Carl Mitcham (Ed.): Visions of STS Counterpoints in science, technology, and society studies. 35-49.
no. 4: CALLON, Michel, (2011) Acting in an uncertain world: an essay on technical democracy, Cambridge, MIT Press.
Material: see teams platform.

Part1: Understanding science, technology and society

19 Setembro 2023, 18:00 Sofia Bento

Introducing STS course is asking for : 

What is science?
How does it work?
Which relations science and technology build with society and organisations?
 How can we look at science and technology?
Material: slides and readings in Teams platform. See also: The handbook of Science and Technology, Felt et al. 

Introduction Session

15 Setembro 2023, 18:00 Sofia Bento

Main aim of the course
First reflection about society: what does society mean?
Presentation of the syllabus
Presentation of the material for  the semester
Knowledge assessment
First reflection about work project