

8 Abril 2024, 13:30 Adriana Cornea-madeira

We started to discuss about hypothesis testing for parameters from single populations, introducing the Type I and II errors, power of test. We discussed about how to conduct hypothesis testing for the population mean with known variance, having different types of alternative hypothesis. We also discussed about the p-value.

Lesson 7

4 Abril 2024, 15:30 Ricardo Pinto Moura

Exercises: 8.5; 8.11; 8.13; 8.22

HW: 8.17; 8.24

Lesson 7

4 Abril 2024, 13:30 Ricardo Pinto Moura

Exercises: 8.5; 8.11; 8.13; 8.22

HW: 8.17; 8.24


3 Abril 2024, 13:30 Adriana Cornea-madeira

We discussed confidence intervals for the difference of two means (with known and unknown variance, assumed equal or not) and of two proportions.

Lesson 6

21 Março 2024, 15:30 Ricardo Pinto Moura

Exercises: 7.59; 7.60; 7.64; 7.68 a); 7.80; 7.96 a) c); 7.99

HW: 7.68 b) c); 7.96 b)