Re-sit Period
All students enrolled in the course unit (CU) have access to this assessment period.
Without prejudice to paragraph 2 of Article 3 of GRRKA, assessment in this period is composed by a final, unseen, individual, closed-book written exam, 2 hours and 30 minutes long.
Normal Period
Students who meet the minimum requirements for participation in the continuous assessment (in accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 2 of GRRKA) have access to the written exam in the normal period.
The final mark in the normal period is the weighted arithmetical average of the following assessment components:
- final written exam .............................. 50%
- individual assignment ........................ 15%
- mid-term test ...................................... 20%
- theory questions ................................. 15%
All assessment components have integer marks.
Final Written Exam
The final, unseen, individual, closed-book written exam is shorter than that of the re-sit period.
Individual Assignment
The online (via Fenix) individual assignment will be held on 17 October 2023 in the lecture slot. It is 20 minutes long and consists of 4 essay questions that use a dataset and require using a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel). The assignement covers chapter 1 of the syllabus.
Mid-Term Test
The unseen, individual, closed-book mid-term test will be held on 21 November 2023 in the lecture slot. The test is 30 minutes long and it is composed by 15 multiple-choice questions.
Theory Questions
During the semester there will be 3 windows of opportunity to respond simple theory essay questions during lectures or seminars. Students will choose two amongst the three possible responses to be marked.
These questions are based upon the core readings and lectures taught. Each question will be presented without warning during a lecture or seminar and students will be given a maximum of 10 minutes to answer. Questions are unseen and they are to be answered individually within a standardized space. Students may consult any materials on paper. The final mark of this component is the simple arithmetic mean of the marks obtained in the two selected theory questions.
Minimum Requirements
In order to participate in the normal period students must meet the following minimum requirements:
- to have handed the individual assignment in;
- to have handed the mid-term test in;
- to have handed a minimum of two answers to the theory questions in.