- Introduction
- Introduction to ISD
- Requirements Determination
- Digital Transformation
- Booking Case Study
- Database Erasmus
- 02UCD01
- 02UCD02
- Activity Diagram
- Analysis and Design
- Object Oriented
- Class Diagram
- Relational Model
- Maping ftom UML to Relational
- Solution
- Exercise Class
- Challanges
- SQL Possible Solutions
- Normalization
- UMLExercise
- solution2
- SQL1Solution
- PB01
- salon1 (MS Excel file)
- exercise Power BI 2
- fianance 02 (MS Excel file)
- exercise PBI 03
- PBI03 (Excel File)
- Dax
- PowerBI
Este artigo é privado e está apenas disponivel para membros do grupo: Alunos de Management Information Systems (SIG-E) 2 Semestre - 2019/2020 ou Professores de Management Information Systems (SIG-E) 2 Semestre - 2019/2020
Week 01
Week 02
Este artigo é privado e está apenas disponivel para membros do grupo: Utilizadores Autenticados
Week 03
UML (cont)
2. Activity Diagram
3. Class Diagrams
Quiz Use Case
Tools:, visio, ...
Week 04
Relational Model
- Relational Model
- Maping from UML to Relational
- Create a possible class diagram inpired in the information from the Project Statement.
There will be no IBM invited class.
Week 05
Comments on class functioning
- Important to follow the Aquila
- Don't be afread to ask questions
- In what concerns the project, all deadlines continue except that there is no "Approval of the project".
Class Exercise UML (17/3/2020) (Solution)
Class Exercise (18/3/2020) (solution)
Class Diagram: Video +Quiz (to be concluded until the end of the week)
Relational Model: Video + Quiz (to be concluded until the end of the week)
Mapping from UML Class Diagram to Relational: Video + Quiz (to be concluded until the end of the week)
Week 06
Relational Model
- Introduction to SQL
- SQL Aggreate Functions
- SQL overview
- Exercise Database Erasmus (SQL Possible Solutions)
- Challenges (Possible Solution)
- QUIZ (MIS04: SQL) (you have to watch the videos).
Meetings with Groups
- group1 Thursday 8:00 AM
- group2 Thursday 9:00 AM
- group3 Thursday 10:00 AM
- group4 Thursday 11:00 AM
- group10 Thursday 12:00 AM
- group5 Friday 8:00 AM
- group6 Friday 9:00 AM
- group7 Friday 10:00 AM
- group8 Friday 11:00 AM
- group9 Friday 12:00 AM
Week 07 (midterm)
Week 08
Este artigo é privado e está apenas disponivel para membros do grupo: Professores de Management Information Systems (SIG-E) 2 Semestre - 2019/2020
Week 09
- PBI01, salon1 (MS Excel file) Solve the exercise and save in the Teams MIS group channel (Tuesday)
- PBI02, fianance 02 (MS Excel file)
- Training Quiz
- Quiz: MIS07:Business Intelligence & PowerBI (watch again privious videos)
Week 10
Week 11
Este artigo é privado e está apenas disponivel para membros do grupo: Alunos de Management Information Systems (SIG-E) 2 Semestre - 2019/2020 ou Professores de Management Information Systems (SIG-E) 2 Semestre - 2019/2020
Week 12
- MIS11:Extra quiz (Part 2) - Class
- MIS12:Extra quiz (Part 1) - Until Sunday